網路中立性 Net Neutrality



來源:歐洲數位權利(European Digital Right, ERDi)文件08 2013.11.05 出版

授權方式:創用CC 姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享3.0CC BY-NC-SA 3.0



Net Neutrality is the principle that every point on the network can connect to any other point on the network, without discrimination on the basis of origin, destination or type of data.

This principle is the central reason for the success of the Internet. Net Neutrality is crucial for innovation, competition and for the free flow of information. Most importantly, Net Neutrality gives the Internet its ability to generate new means of exercising civil rights such as the freedom of expression and the right to receive and impart information.

In this booklet, we will explain Net Neutrality, why it is important, why certain Internet access providers believe that they have an interest in violating it, and we will address common misconceptions

網路中立性原則是指: 網路上的每一個節點都可以連接到網路上的任何其他節點,且不會因為來源,目的地,或資料類型而有差異。此原則是網際網路成功的核心原因。網路中立性對創新,競爭和資訊的自由流通至關重要。最重要的是,網路中立性能讓網際網路有力量產生新的方式以行使現有的公民權利,如言論自由與傳播資訊的權力。 在這本小冊子中,我們將解釋網路中立性,為什麼它是重要的,為什麼有網路服務提供商有意違反中立性,我們也將針對常見的誤解做說明。

“Allowing broadband carriers to control what people see and do online would fundamentally undermine the principles that have made the Internet such a success”.

- Vint Cerf, founding father of the Internet 01

“若允許寬頻運營商能夠控制線上民眾的閱讀與活動,會讓網際網路獲得成功的基本原則,從根本上被破壞” - Vint Cerf , 網際網路之父

What is Net Neutrality?



Page 5


fig 1: Open neutral access model

The  Internet  is  a  global,  interconnected and  decentralised  autonomous  computer network.  We  can  access  the  Internet via  connections  provided  by  Internet access  providers.  These  access  providers transmit  the information  that  we  send  over the  Internet  in  so-called  data  “packets”. The  way  in  which  data  is  sent  and  received on  the  Internet  can  be  compared  to sending  the  pages  of  a  book  by  post  in  lots of  different  envelopes. 02  The  post  office can  send  the  pages  by  different  routes

and,  when  they  are  received,  the  envelopes can  be  removed  and  the  pages  put  back together  in  the  right  order.


When  we  connect  to  the  Internet,  each  one of  us  becomes  an endpoint  in  this  global network,  with  the  freedom  to  connect  to any  other endpoint,  whether  this  is  another person’s  computer  (“peer-to-peer”),  a website,  an  e-mail  system,  a  video  stream or  whatever.

The  success  of  the  Internet  is  based  on two  simple  but  crucial  components  of  its architecture:

1.  Every  connected  device  can  connect  to every  other  connected  device.

2.  All  services  use  the  “Internet  Protocol,” which  is  sufficiently  flexible  and  simple  to carry  all  types  of  content  (video,  e-mail, messaging  etc)  unlike  networks  that  are designed  for  just  one  purpose,  such  as  the voice  telephony  system.



  1. 任何一個聯結的裝置都可以連到任何一個聯結的裝置。
  2. 所有服務都能使用能彈性且能簡易處理各種內容(影音、電子郵件、訊息等等)的「網際網路協定」(Internet  Protocol),而不像語音電話系統網是只設計來處理單一功能。

Pages 6~7


fig 2: Non-neutral access model

Net  Neutrality  is  most  commonly  defined as  the  principle  that  Internet  users  can connect  to  any  other  point  in  the  network. Users  can  create,  access  and  use  any content,  service  and  application  they choose,  without  discrimination,  restriction or  limitation  imposed  by  those  who  run  the infrastructure.



Internet  access  providers  enable  us  to communicate,  browse  the  web  or  transfer files  over  the  Internet,  to  make  our  own websites  globally  available  and  to  use services  such  as  email,  social  media or  Internet  telephony.  Everybody,  and in  whatever  role,  and  all  organisations, of  whatever  size  and  style,  is  able  to participate  globally.  Everybody  is  able  to access  services  and  to  offer  services.

網際網路供應者讓我們可以透過網路溝通、瀏覽網站或傳輸檔案,讓我們的網站可以全球化地運作,並可使用電子郵件、社交媒體或網路電話。任何人,任何組織,無論其規模,  都可以全球化地參與。任何人都可以在網上取得服務,也可以提供服務。

Let’s  say  you  want  to  watch  a  video  online:

You  connect  to  the  Internet,  open  your browser  and  navigate  to  the  video  service of  your  choice.  This  is  possible  because  the access  provider  does  not  seek  to  restrict your  options.



Without  Net  Neutrality  you  might  instead find  that  your  connection  to  video  service A  is  being  slowed  down  by  your  access provider  in  a  way  that  makes  it  impossible for  you  to  watch  the  video.  At  the  same time,  you  would  still  be  able  to  connect rapidly  to  video  service  B  and maybe  watch exactly  the  same  content.  Why  would  your access provider  do  such  a  thing?  There  are many  reasons:  for  example,  the  internet access  provider  might  a)  have  signed  an exclusive  agreement  with  this  second  video platform  or  b)  provide  their  own  video services  and therefore  want  to  encourage you  to  use  these  instead  of  the  service  that you  initially  preferred.




This  is  just  one  of  the  many  reasons for  violations  of  Net  Neutrality.  Such discriminatory  measures  are  often  called “traffic  management”.  We  will  explain  the most common  reasons  for  violations  of  Net Neutrality  in  the  following  chapter.


“I don’t believe that restricting consumers’ choice can ever be an appealing driver of more growth.

I certainly don’t believe that restricting access to the internet will attract many more innovative European internet companies. And I don’t believe that restricted access to the internet is the right answer to a faster deployment of Next Generation Access Networks.”

- European Commission Vice President

Viviane Reding, September 2008 03    



Viviane Reding, 2008年九月

Why is Net Neutrality violated?


Pages 8

There  are  many  reasons  why  Net Neutrality  is  not  respected,  among  the most  frequent  ones  are:



  • Access  providers  violate  Net  Neutrality to  optimise  profits
  • 通路提供者侵犯網路中立性以提高獲利
  • Some  Internet  access  providers  demand the  right  to  block  or  slow  down  Internet traffic  for  their  own  commercial  benefit. Internet  access  providers  are  not  only in  control  of  Internet  connections, they  also  increasingly  start  to  provide content,  services  and  applications.  They are  increasingly  looking  for  the  power to  become  the  “gatekeepers”  of  the Internet.  For  example,  the  Dutch  telecoms access  provider  KPN  tried  to  make  their customers  use  KPN’s  own  text-messaging service  instead  of  web-based  chat  services by  blocking  these  free  services.  Another notable  example  of  discrimination  is T-Mobile’s  blocking  of  Internet  telephony services  (Voice  over  IP,  or  VoIP  in  short), provided  for  example  by  Skype,  in  order  to give  priority  to  their  own  and  their  business partners’  services.

    一些網路通路提供者,為了他們自有的商業利益,要求阻擋或降低網路流量的權利。網路通路提供者不只掌管網際網路連接,也漸漸開始提供內容、服務和應用。他們逐漸尋求成為網際網路「守門員」的權力。舉例來說,荷蘭的電信通路供應者 KPN,嘗試透過阻擋免費的瀏覽器聊天服務,以讓他們的顧客轉而去使用 KPN 自有的文字訊息服務。其他著名的歧視例子是 T-Mobile 阻擋網際網路電話服務(VoIP,Voice over IP),保障像是 Skype ,為了給他們自己或商業夥伴的服務予優先性。

  • Access  providers  violate  Net  Neutrality for  privatised  censorship
  • In  the  UK,  blocking  measures  by  access providers  have  frequently  been  misused to  block  unwanted  content.  For  instance, on  4  May  2012,  the  website  of  anti-violence advocates  “Conciliation  Resources”  was accidentally blocked  by  child  protection filters  on  UK  mobile  networks 04.  Another example  is  Virgin  Media.  The  company provides  access  to  the  Internet  and increasingly  uses  Deep  Packet  Inspection (DPI  –  see  box  on  page  9).  Virgin  is now  using  this  same  privacy  invasive technology  to  police  their  network in  attempt  to  protect  its  own  music business. 05  In  all  of  these  cases,  private companies  police  their  users’  connections to  censor  what  they  guess  may  be unwanted  content.


    在英國,通路供應者的阻擋準則經常被濫用為阻擋無用內容。譬如在2012年5月4日,提倡「安撫資源(Conciliation  Resources)」 的反暴力網站,在英國移動網絡上,意外地被兒童保護過濾器所阻擋。另一個例子是維珍傳媒(Virgin  Media)。這間公司供應了網際網路通路,並且逐漸地使用深度封包檢測(DPI)。維珍現在正使用相同的隱私侵入技術來對他們的網絡進行維安,為了保護它們自己的音樂商務。在所有這些案例中,私人公司對他們的使用者連接進行維安,去審查他們推測可能是無用的內容。

    Pages 8~9

  • Access  providers  violate  Net  Neutrality to  comply  with  the  law
  • Governments  are  increasingly  asking access  and  service  providers  to  restrict certain  types  of  traffic,  to  filter  and monitor  the  Internet  to enforce  the  law.  A decade  ago,  there  were  only  four  countries filtering  and  censoring  the  Internet worldwide  –  today,  they  are  over  forty. 06 In  Europe,  website  blocking  has  been introduced  for  instance  in  Belgium,  France, Italy,  the  UK  and  Ireland.  This  is  done  for reasons  as  varied  as  protecting  national gambling  monopolies  and  implementing demonstrably  ineffective  efforts  to  protect copyright.


    政府用法律要求通路供應商去限制某些內容的流通,  或是去過濾與監視網路. 在十年前, 只有四個國家去過濾與偵測網路. 現在, 有超過四十個. 在歐洲, 比利時, 法國, 義大利, 英國與愛爾蘭都會阻擋網站. 網站被阻擋有各式各樣的理由, 例如保護國家壟斷的賭博或是用沒有效率的方法來保護著作權

    Some  politicians  call  for  Net  Neutrality and  demand  filtering  or  blocking  for law  enforcement  purposes  at  the same  time.  However,  it  is  a  paradox  to create  legal  incentives  for  operators to  invest  in  monitoring  and  filtering  or blocking  technology,  while  at  the  same time  demanding  that  they  do  not  use this  technology  for  their  own  business purposes.

    有些政治人物既要網路中立性, 又要可以透過法律去過濾與阻擋網路. 這是矛盾的. 既用法律去獎勵通路商開發監視與過濾網路的技術, 又要求他們不能將這些技術應用在他們自己的商業用途. 

  • Deep Packet Inspection (DPI)
  • Information that we send and receive through the Internet travels in so-called “packets”, with “envelopes” indicating sender and receiver. Unlike normal network equipment, DPI looks not just at the envelopes but into packet contents, and can be used to disrupt or block certain packets based on what they contain.

    DPI can be used for innocuous reasons (to fight spam or viruses), but also to carry out surveillance or to censor information as this technology makes it possible to capture information from network traffic and assess it in real time. In Russia for instance, Cisco’s Deep Packet Inspection solutions are allegedly being used by the government to block access to certain websites. 07 Cisco’s DPI tools are also being used in Germany by T-Mobile 08 on mobile networks.

    深度封包檢測 (DPI)

    那些我們在網路上送出與收到的資訊稱為封包. 封包外有個"信封"顯示送出封包的人與接收者. 不像普通的網路設備, 深度封包檢測不止看信封也看裡面的內容, 而且根據內容決定要破壞或是阻擋這個封包.

    深度封包檢測可以用於一些無害的目的(例如解決垃圾郵件與病毒). 但因為這個技術可以捕捉網路上的資訊並且存取它的內容, 它也可以被用於監視與審察資訊. 例如在俄國, 據稱政府用思科的深度封包檢測方法來阻擋存取某些網站. 德國T-Mobile也在移動網路上使用思科的深度封包檢測工具.

    10 Reasons for Net Neutrality

    Pages 10~11

    r e as o n


    No discrimination  –  Net Neutrality is the principle that all types of content and all senders and recipients of information are treated equally. This principle upholds the right to freedom of expression which includes, according to Article 19.2 of the United Nations’ International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICC PR), the freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds. Without Net Neutrality, Internet access providers would become gatekeepers of the access to content on the Internet, with the power to decide what we can read and write and with whom we are allowed to communicate.



    無審查——網路中立性是平等對待資訊的一切內容類型、一切發送者與接收者的原則。此一原則支持表達自由的權利,包括,根據《聯合國在公民與政治權利上之國際公約(ICC PR)》第19條之二,搜索、接受與傳遞一切種類的資訊與觀念的自由。沒有網路中立性,網際網路通路供應者,將成為網路內容通路的守門員,有權力去決定我們可以看到什麼、撰寫什麼,以及被准許與誰聯絡。


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    Free Expression – The history of the Internet shows very clearly that Net Neutrality encourages creative expression. The ability to publish content and to express opinions online does not depend on financial or social status and is not restricted to an elite. There is a huge trend towards people sharing information and experiences online, sometimes referred to as web 2.0. This means that individuals, small businesses, traditional news sources and large businesses can all create content that is available to everybody. Net Neutrality enables information to travel through the network without being restricted or blocked, thereby enabling a vibrant digital environment, full of ideas and innovation.


    自由表達——網際網路的歷史非常清楚地展示,網路中立性會激勵有創造力的表達。線上發佈內容與表達意見的能力,不依賴財政或社會地位,也並非僅限於菁英。人們在線上分享資訊和表達的顯著趨勢,有時被稱作 Web 2.0。這意思是,個人、小型商業、傳統新聞資源與大型商業可以全體創造所有人通用的內容。網路中立性促成資訊不受限制或阻擋地在網絡間傳播,以此促成一個活躍的數位環境,充滿觀念與創新。

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    Privacy – Measures to undermine Net Neutrality can have a direct impact on our privacy (DPI – see box on page 9). In a non-neutral Internet, providers would be able to monitor our

    communications in order to differentiate between messaging, streaming, peer-topeer

    (P2P), e-mails and so on. According to a recent study, some European access providers are already doing so via the use of Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) for their commercial benefit.  The reuse of this technology for government or intelligence purposes is inevitable.



    Pages 11

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    Access to Information – Net Neutrality is also the catalyst for the creation of diverse and abundant online content. Nonprofit projects like Wikipedia, blogs and user-generated content in general have the same conditions to access and publish information as large, commercial Internet players. Without Net Neutrality, we would have a two-tier Internet where only those who can pay would be able to access information or get content delivered faster

    than other users.



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    Democratic Process – Net Neutrality improves the quality of democracy by ensuring that the Internet remains an open forum in which all voices are treated equally. It ensures that the ability to voice opinions and place content online does not depend on one’s financial capacity or social status. It is therefore a powerful tool in facilitating democracy, enabling diverse ideas to be expressed and heard.



    “The concept of Net Neutrality builds on the view that information on the Internet should be transmitted impartially, without regard to content, destination or source. By looking into users’ Internet communications, ISPs may breach the existing rules on the confidentiality of communications, which is a fundamental right that must be carefully preserved. A serious policy debate on Net Neutrality must make sure that users’ confidentiality of communications is effectively protected.”

    - European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) on Net Neutrality,



    Pages 11~12

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    Tool against censorship – Without Net Neutrality, network operators can block or throttle not only services, but also content. The fundamental shift in information communications technologies over the last 10 years has facilitated revolutions and it offers the possibility of greater social reforms through greater transparency and the free flow of information.



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    Consumer choice – Net Neutrality ensures access to content and offers greater consumer choice by allowing more players to enter the marketplace. Therefore, the amount of online

    information is vast and growing, leading to intellectual and cultural interaction that was scarcely imaginable twenty years ago. Without a neutral net, access providers can prioritise applications or services, thereby creating “walled gardens” in which consumer choice is limited.



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    Innovation and competition – Net Neutrality continues to foster innovation, as individuals and companies alike can create content and provide new services with the online world as their audience. Any individual can upload content at relatively little cost. An unrestricted Internet gives market access to small and medium enterprises or start-ups that might not otherwise have a competitive edge against larger corporations. Without Net Neutrality, however, access providers are allowed to restrict access needed by innovators that seek to develop online services. Innovators would have a smaller and less predictable marketplace for their services. For example, a start-up company might not be able to reach all access providers’ customers, or pay potentially thousands of providers to do so.



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    Digital Single Market – Net Neutrality is a cornerstone for the completion of the Digital Single Market. It removes barriers and allows users to freely communicate, fully express themselves, access information and participate in the public debate – without unnecessary interference by gatekeepers or middlemen. By contrast, a non-neutral Internet contributes to the fragmentation of the Digital Single Market. The European Parliament acknowledged this danger by adopting a resolution on “Completing the Digital Single Market” in October 2012, in which it “calls on the Commission to propose legislation to ensure Net Neutrality”.


    數位單一市場——網路中立性是數位單一市場(Digital Single Market)競爭的一個基石。它移除了障礙並允許使用者自由通訊、完全表達他們自己、得以取用資訊與參與公共辯論——沒有不必要的守門員與中介者的干涉。相反地,一個非中立網際網路助力於數位單一市場的分裂。歐洲議會(European Parliament)在2012年10月,採納在「數位單一市場競爭」的提案,它在裡頭「為擔保網路中立性,號召委員會提議立法」。

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    Protecting a global Internet – As soon as access providers start making use of traffic discrimination tools to interfere in global communications for their own commercial benefit, governments will be tempted to use the technology for public policy goals – in fact, Western governments are more and more often asking providers to restrict certain types of traffic, and to filter and monitor the Internet to enforce the law. In other parts of the world this has lead to “national Internets”, such as the “Chinternet” in China and the “halal” Internet in Iran. The principle of Net Neutrality will help protect the global Internet.



    Myths & Truths

    Pages 13~14

  • Myth 1
  • Net Neutrality is bad for the development of infrastructure – who is going to pay?

    The availability of content is a factor that stimulates broadband investment. Revenues from broadband and mobile access are dependent on demand for web-based content and applications. This has been empirically proven through the PLUM 11 study, which found that “the ability of consumers to access Internet content, applications and services is the reason consumers are willing to pay Internet access providers. Access providers are dependent on this demand to monetise their substantial investments.”

    Some Internet access providers argue that application and content providers “free-ride” on network investment made by others. This claim is baseless, because users already pay for content and applications, which allows access providers to profit from their investment in networks. Content and applications providers buy services from access providers, purchase network access and services. Moreover, consumers’ demand to use high-bandwidth applications, such as peer-to-peer and streaming music and video, creates demand for faster Internet connections, more revenue for access providers and, ultimately, fuels investment in infrastructure.


    網路中立有害基礎建設發展—誰要負擔費用?內容可得是刺激寬頻投資的因素。寬頻和行動網路的收益由對網路內容與應用需求而來。這業由PLUM 11的研究証實。這個研究發現:“消費者取得網路內容,應用和服務的能力是消費者願意付費給網路接取業者的理由。接取業者依賴這些需求來回收他們的鉅額投資“某些網路接取服務提供者爭論內容提供業搭他人投資的“便車”。這項指控是沒有基礎的,因為使用者已經為內容和服務付費,而這使得接取業者能由他們對網路的投資獲得收益。內容和應用提供者向網路接取業者購買網路接取及服務。猶有甚者,消費者對寬頻應用的需求,例如點對點和串流影音服務,創造了對更快速網路連線的需求以及網路接取業者更多收益,最終將加速對基礎建設的投資。

  • Myth 2
  • Net Neutrality legislation would mean no network management, causing problems for the quality of the Internet

    It is not true that legislation protecting Net Neutrality would prevent access providers from managing their networks. In fact, the Transmission Control Protocol (“flow rate fairness”) that is at the core of Internet engineering has been one of the greatest congestion management tools that has helped make the Internet such a success.

    What Net Neutrality would prevent is not traffic management, but rather arbitrary restrictions implemented by access providers that are designed to undermine the openness of the Internet as a shortterm measure to make extra profits.


    網路中立性立法意味著對網路全無管理,將使網路品質產生問題。網路中立性立法不會導致接取業者無法管理網路。事實上,傳輸控制協定(Transmission Control Protocol)(“流速公平性”)是網路工程的核心,一直以來也是使網際網路如此成功的重要壅塞管理工具之一。網路中立性會防止的並非流量管理,而是接取業者為了增加額外營收而施行的任意限制,這些短期措施將降低網路的開放性。

  • Myth 3
  • Charging application and content providers will help promote broadband investment

    Some access providers time and again have publicly expressed their will to charge content and application providers – in addition to access charges already paid by end-users – arguing that this will help investment in next generation networks. This is a dangerous approach because there are no existing obligations that would guarantee that access providers use any additional revenue for investment. In fact, they might even prefer to opt for less investment, since lower quality for basic Internet service may encourage the adoption of non-neutral (and more expensive) “premium” services.



    Pages 14~15

  • Myth 4
  • Net Neutrality legislation isn’t necessary, since customers can “vote with their feet”

    If a company is restricting your access, whether blocking websites or services, the European Commission repeatedly stated that customers can switch companies to those who are offering the “full” Internet. However, if I am running a Belgian web service and it is being blocked by access providers in, say, Poland, Greece and Spain, I have no choice as I am not a customer of the foreign providers that are blocking my freedom to conduct business.

    For consumers, good switching is insufficient in an industry where they are tied into lengthy contracts, as their ability to switch providers may not be feasible in practice. End-users can be left in a restricted, low quality slow lane, or a fast lane with fewer destinations to reach, without even knowing about it.




  • Myth 5
  • There is no need for regulation, let the market decide

    This is a false dilemma. While competition is a necessary mechanism to construct a healthy market, it does not effectively prevent access providers from adopting non-neutral practices. The regulatory framework cannot solely rely on competition and transparency.

    It is clear that competition law moves too slowly, and is demonstrably not effective in curbing the problem at hand. In light of the growing, overwhelming evidence that access providers are tampering with end-users’ ability to access the Internet, relying solely on market forces will lead to the development of a multiple-tier Internet, to the detriment of citizens.




    Pages 15

  • Myth 6
  • Costs are exploding because of data growth

    This is untrue for both fixed and mobile network connections. For fixed telephony networks, traffic-related costs are a small percentage of the total connectivity incomes because they have a single line per household, so traffic growth over this segment involves no additional costs. The question is different for cable and mobile networks because the cable and radio access network is shared by users and the costs of adding capacity are significantly higher than they are for fixed networks.

    However, the progress from 2G to 3G to 4G for mobile and to from EuroDOCSIS 1.x to 2.0 (and soon 3.1) for cable has lead to important reductions in the cost of carrying traffic. This means that even if costs for mobile access are higher, cost per unit is declining. In this case, not only does data traffic growth contribute to profitability for access providers, but it may contribute to lower average costs per data unit carried by the network.


  • 資料量成長造成價格高漲
  • 這一點在固網與行動網路上都是謬誤的。對於固定式的電話通訊系統來說,因為每一家戶都有單一線路,因流量帶來的費用只佔總通訊收入小部分,流量成長並不會帶來額外的費用。但有線及無線網路則不同,因為頻寬由使用者分享,增加流量造成的費用明顯高於固網費用。

    然而,無線網路發展從 2G 到 3G 到 4G ,有線網路從 EuroDOCSIS 1.x 到 2.0(即將邁進 3.1)都使得流量費用明顯降低。這表示即使行動通訊費用比較高,每單位的費用則在降低。如此,資料流量成長不僅為網路供應商帶來營收,也能降低網路承載每資料單位的平均價格。

  • Myth 7
  • Net Neutrality will harm innovation

    It is not true that Net Neutrality would stifle innovation, quite the opposite in fact: a failure to enact Net Neutrality protections will undermine content and application providers’ freedom to do business. As explained in chapter 3, a non-neutral regime would hinder innovation in content, as start-ups and smaller companies would suddenly be faced with barriers to enter the market – and uncertainty about what new barriers may be created. The innovators’ freedom to impart information is therefore limited – as is their freedom to do business, being

    protected by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU.


  • 網路中立性不利創新
  • 說「網路中立性會扼殺了創意」是錯誤的,實際上剛好相反:不實施網路中立性保護,才會破壞內容及應用供應者的商業自由。如同在第三章裡所說明,非中立的制度會阻礙內容的創新,新創及小型公司會面臨進入市場的門檻,並且無法確知前方還會有什麼新的障礙。這種情況限制了創新者流通資訊的自由,同樣也限制了由歐盟基本權利憲章(Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU)所保護的經營自由。

    Pages 15

  • Myth 8
  • It’s our network, we can do whatever we want with it

    The Internet is a “truly public place” that enables a new frontier of freedom, and serves as a tool to exercise this freedom.” 12 Citizens have grown to depend on the stability, openness and integrity of the Internet to exercise their fundamental rights, including their freedom of expression, access to information and freedom of association. These responsibilities are internationally recognised under the UN Framework, which acknowledges the corporate responsibility to respect human rights. Moreover, the EU Delegation to the 7th International Governance Forum (IGF) stated in 2012 that “the Internet is not just a technology or a digital market space.


  • 這是我們的網絡,我們愛怎麼作就怎麼作
  • 網際網路是一個「真正的公共場域」,它開拓了自由的疆域,也是實踐自由的工具。公民逐漸依賴網路的穩定、開放以及健全,來行使言論自由、取得資訊的自由、以及結社自由等基本權利。國際社會也在聯合國綱要下認可這些責任,認為企業必須負起尊重人權的責任。更進一步,歐盟代表團在 2012 年第七屆網路治理論壇(InterneT Governance Forum, IGF)表示,「網際網路不只是一項技術或數位市場」。

  • Myth 9
  • Net Neutrality is a problem in the US , not in Europe

    There is overwhelming evidence that European access providers, particularly in the mobile sector, are using technical measures to tamper with end-users’ ability to access the Internet for their own commercial interests.

    For example, recent findings from BEREC (the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications) show that this is indeed a problem in Europe, where more and more operators are restricting access to content (such as P2P sites), services (such as VoIP) and degrading the quality of Internet connections. In addition, the evidence collected through citizen platforms such as Glasnost 13 and Respect My Net 14 provides a crystal clear picture of the numerous, harmful neutrality violations already taking place in Europe.


  • 網路中立性是美國才有的問題,歐洲沒這問題
  • 有壓倒性的證據顯示歐洲的網路供應商為了自身商業利益,使用技術干預用戶連接網路的品質,特別是行動網路業者。

    例如,歐盟電子通訊管制者團體(BEREC, the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications)近期指出此問題在歐洲日益嚴重,越來越多供應商限制內容的取得(如 P2P 網站)、服務(如 VoIP網路電話)、並降低網路連接的品質。不僅如此,從公民群眾平台 Glasnost 及 REspect My Net 蒐集來的證據明確顯示,已經有不少違反網路中立的事件在歐洲發生。

    The situation in the European Union

    Waiting for net neutrality


    Pages 16

    If there are so many benefits to securing Net Neutrality, what is the situation in Europe? What is being done to protect it?

    In late 2009, European legislators chose not to introduce a legal safeguard to protect Net Neutrality in the “Telecoms Package”. This package obliges access providers to inform end-users about traffic management that they implement on their networks and to offer content or application providers access to their networks at “fair, reasonable and nondiscriminatory conditions” 15. Moreover, it says that national regulatory authorities shall promote the ability of end users to access and distribute information and run services and applications of their choice. However, in light of the significant body of evidence, the telecoms package has proven insufficient to efficiently safeguard Net Neutrality 16.

    When Vice President Neelie Kroes took office as European Commissioner for the Digital Agenda in 2010, she stated that Net Neutrality would be a central issue on her agenda and launched a first public consultation. However, she moved away from this initial commitment, with one consultation after the other and not much action to ensure a neutral net in Europe.

    In 2011, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), warned that violations of Net Neutrality could have “serious implications” for end-users’ fundamental rights to privacy and data protection. The EDPS stated that “certain inspection techniques used by ISPs may indeed be highly privacy-intrusive, especially when they reveal the content of individuals’

    Internet communications, including emails sent or received, websites visited and files downloaded” 

    如果保護網路中立性有那麼多好處, 那麼歐洲的情況如何?歐洲做了什麼措施去保護網路中立性?

    在2009年末, 歐洲立法者選擇在電信套案裡,  不去用法律來保護網路中立性。電信套案規定,  網路服務供應者有義務要告知消費者其網路交通管理的措施,  並提供內容/應用程式供應商公平、合理、無歧視的環境15。再者,  電信套案言明,  國家監管部門須提倡消費者, 有取得並傳播資訊, 選擇服務和應用程式的能力。儘管如此,  有相當證據證明了,  電信套案對於網路中立性的保護,  成效不彰16。當Neelie Kroes在2010上任歐洲數位議程委員會(European Commissioner for the Digital Agenda)的副總裁時, 她聲明網路中立性將會是她的首要之務,  並會有首次的公開咨詢。然而, 她還沒有履行當初的承諾,  一次又一次的公開咨詢後, 對於保護歐洲的網路中立性的提案並不多。

    在2011年, 歐洲數據保護監督聯盟(EDPS)警告, 若違反網路中立性原則, 消費者在隱私及資料保護的基本權利, 可能會受到嚴重影響。EDPS並聲明, 網路服務供應者的"某些安檢機制", 很可能會高度侵犯消費者的隱私權, 特別是那些安檢機制會顯露消費者的網路通訊紀錄, 如傳送/接收的電子郵件、瀏覽的網站、及下載的檔案。


    In May 2012, after a series of consultations, the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) published its findings regarding traffic management and other practices that lead to restrictions to an open Internet in Europe. The data from the investigation revealed the increasing trend of providers to restrict access to services and applications.

    2010年五月, 在一系列的咨詢後, 歐洲電子通訊監管機構 (BEREC) 出版了關於, 網路管制導致歐洲開放性網路受到限制的研究。其調查的數據揭露了,網路服務供應者有逐漸限制消費者取得服務及應用程式的傾向。

    Pages 17

    On 15 October 2012, the European Commission’s latest consultation on Net Neutrality officially ended. On a European level, this was the sixth public consultation on Net Neutrality since Neelie Kroes took office. Only two weeks later, the European Parliament demanded the end of the “wait and see” approach and called “on the Commission to propose legislation to ensure Net Neutrality.” 18

    A supplementary unofficial consultation was conducted in autumn 2012, when European Member States and the EU institutions were preparing to participate in the World Conference on International Telecommunications 2012 (WCIT12) 19 organised by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The goal of the conference was a revision of the International Telecommunication Regulations (ITRs), which is a binding international treaty governing telephone, television and radio networks. The European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association (ETNO) proposed to include global Internet regulation in the ITRs and tabled an amendment that would allow operators to practice differentiated quality of service delivery as well as to establish “sending party pays” business models. 20 This proposal to globally abandon the “end to end” and Net Neutrality principles was not accepted by the European representatives in the process of revision of the ITRs.

    在2012年十月十五日, 歐盟委員會對於網路中立性的最後咨詢正式結束。以歐洲來說, 這是在Neelie Kroes上任後的第六個關於網路中立性的公開咨詢。只在兩週後, 歐洲議會要求終止"等待再看看"的方式, 並呼籲歐盟委員會立法來保護網路中立性18。在2012年秋天, 在準備要加入由國際電訊聯盟(ITU)舉辦的2012國際電信世界會議之前, 歐盟成員國及歐盟機構執行了一個非官方的咨詢。世界會議旨在對於結合國際條約來管理電話、電視、及廣播的國際電信規則(ITRs)作出修定。歐洲電信網路營運者協會(ETNO)提議要含括全球網路規範在國際電信規則(ITRs)中, 並針對允許營運商提供差異化服務及建立"傳送方付費"的商業模式, 去提出一個修正案20。在修改國際電信規則(ITRs)的過程中, 全球性屏棄"網路末端對末端"與網路中立性原則的提案, 並沒有被歐洲代表接受。

  • Page 18/19: Timeline of the Net Neutrality debate in Europe in the last three years.
  • http://www.tiki-toki.com/timeline/entry/108784/Net-neutrality-in-Europe/



    22 december 2009

    “We also need to ensure that (...) networks are reliable and resilient, open and neutral”


    14 january 2010

    "(…) that net neutrality is absolutely crucial. On a personal note I put even a heart by this item on my paper! It is of high importance for both of us, the Commission as well, to preserve the open and neutral character of the net."

  • T-MOBILE  BLOCKS  SKYPE                                                                               3 april 2010

    Deutsche  Telekom,  parent  company  to T-Mobile,  has  announced  that  it  plans  to block  access  to  Skype  for  iPhone  in  Germany.


    1 june 2010

    BT  Broadband  cuts  the  speed  users  can watch  video  services  like  the  BBC iPlayer  and  YouTube  at  peak  times.


    30rd June 2010


    11 november 2010

    "In  the  spirit  of  net  neutrality  all  such  content and  applications  should  receive  equal treatment.”  -  "Any  content  or  application  that  is legal  and  which  does  not  cause  undue congestion  or  otherwise  harm  other  users  or network  integrity  should  be  fully  accessible."



    22 april 2011

    Dutch  mobile  provider  KPN  announced  plans  to charge  mobile  phone  users  separate  fees  for  using voice-over-IP  (VoIP)  services  like  Skype,  instant messaging  programs,  and  streaming  video.    


    3rd May 2011

  • EDPS  adopts  opinion

    7th October 2011

    In  his  opinion,  the  EDPS  has  made  some recommendations  which include:  the determination  of  legitimate  inspection  practices needed  to  ensure  the  smooth  flow  of  traffic  or carried  out  for  security  purposes;  the determination  of  the  cases  when  monitoring requires  the  users’  consent  (such  as  filtering aimed  to  limit  access  to  certain  applications  and services,  such  as  peer  to  peer);  and,  in  such  cases, the  necessity  of  guidance  regarding  the  application of  the  necessary  data  protection  safeguards (purpose  limitation,  security  etc).


    15th October 2011

    The  BEREC  launches  a  consultation  on  its guidelines  on  Net Neutrality  and  Transparency


    26 Oktober 2011

    "Calls  further  on  the  Commission  to  ensure that  internet  service  providers  do  not  block, discriminate  against,  impair  or  degrade  the ability  of  any  person  to  use  a  service  to access,  use,  send,  post,  receive  or  offer  any content,  application  or  service  of  their choice,  irrespective  of  source  or  target;


    9th November 2011

    she  heard  "allegations  that  some internet  providers  throttle,  degrade the  quality  of  services"



    23rd February 2012

    BEREC  launches  consultations  -  three guidelines  on  Quality  of  Service  (BoR  32), IP-interconnection  (BoR  33)  and  differentiation practices  (BoR  31)


    15th March 2012


    8th May 2012

    In  reaction  to  KPN’s  anti-neutrality  plans,  a broad  majority  in  the  Dutch  Parliament voted  for  a  legislative  proposal  to  safeguard an  open  Internet  in  The  Netherlands.

  • BEREC  publishes  findings

    29th May 2012

    “At  least  20%  of  mobile  Internet  users  in Europe  have  some  form  of  restriction  on their  ability  to  access  VoIP  services  (...)”    

  • BEREC  publishes  findings

    29th May 2012

    “At  least  20%  of  mobile  Internet  users  in Europe  have  some  form  of  restriction  on their  ability  to  access  VoIP  services  (...)”


    26 Oktober 2012

    "81.  Calls  on  the  Commission  to  propose legislation  to  ensure  net  neutrality;"


    15th December 2012

    EU  Parliament  demands  stronger  net  neutrality protections  -  the  resolution  "Digital  Freedom Strategy  in  EU  Foreign  Policy”,  stresses  that  the EP  "strongly  supports  the  principle  of  net neutrality,  namely  that  Internet  Service  Providers do  not  block,  discriminate  against,  impair  or

    degrade,  including  through  price,  the  ability  of any  person  to  use  a  service  to  access,  use,  send, post,  receive  or  offer  any  content,  application  or service  of  their  choice,  irrespective  of  source  or target"  and  "calls  on  the  Commission  and Council  to  promote  and  preserve  high  standards of  digital  freedom  in  the  EU,  in  particular  by

    codifying  the  principle  of  net  neutrality.    


    20th December 2012



    16th January 2013


    26th February 2013

  • Commission  group  recommends  legislation

    23rd January 2013

    "Channels  or  mechanisms  through  which media  are  delivered  to  the  end  user  should be  entirely  neutral  in  their  handling  of  this content.  In  the  case  of  digital  networks, Net  Neutrality  and  the  end-to-end  principle

    should  be  enshrined  within  EU  law."    


    20th March 2013

    "I’m  fed  up  hearing  from  people  who  cannot legally  access  the  music  and  films  they  love; from  artists  who  can’t  reach  the  audiences they  want;  from  scientists  who  can’t properly  use  modern  research techniques."


    30th March 2013

    SFR  violates  net  neutrality  by  modifying HTML  content  on  internet  mobile.    


    11th July 2013

    The  leaked  regulation  aims,  in  Article  20,  to prohibit  anti-competitive  blocking  and  throttling, BUT  at  the  same  time  it  proposes  also  the  exact contrary  of  guaranteeing  net  neutrality  by explicitly  allowing  agreements  between  content and  access  providers  to  prioritise  traffic.


    11th July 2013

    "So  I  will  guarantee  net  neutrality.  (...)

    Allowing  the  new  premium  services  which  so many new services rely on"

    The Netherlands: A case study

    A case study

    Pages 20

    In 2011, the former Dutch telecoms monopolist KPN announced plans to make users pay extra for data used by certain third-party applications, such as WhatsApp and Skype, in order to create an advantage for KPN’s own services that included text messaging and phone calls. In May 2011, KPN revealed that it had used Deep Packet Inspection (DPI – see box on page 9) technology to identify the use of certain applications by its mobile Internet

    customers 21.


    One year later, on 8 May 2012, the Netherlands adopted crucial legislation to safeguard the open and secure Internet, including Net Neutrality provisions. 22 By doing so, the Netherlands is the first country in Europe and the second country in the world to enshrine the principle of Net Neutrality in law. This demonstrates that it is possible to draft Net Neutrality legislation that takes into account the interests of Internet users, service providers and telecommunication companies, while ensuring freedom of expression and privacy on the Internet.


    The law aims to maximise choice and freedom of expression on the Internet. It therefore prohibits the hindering or disrupting of services or applications on the Internet. Only in certain limited cases where this is necessary is an exception to this principle allowed. Those exceptions must be interpreted narrowly, whereby the assessment of the necessity must be based on the criteria of proportionality, using criteria established in the context of the application of the European Convention on Human Rights.


    Pages 20~21

    The first exception aims to ensure that in case of congestion, time-sensitive traffic (such as VoIP) can be prioritised, and that in such cases other traffic may be delayed. Providers should avoid congestion in the first place by adequate investment in capacity. However, if there is congestion, then the measures under this exemption are designed to facilitate end-users’ ability to continue to have maximum access to information, disseminate information

    and use applications or services. The measures should be removed as soon as possible.

    第一項例外是要確保,在頻寬壅塞的情況下,有時效性的應用程式數據(例如網路IP電話)可以優先流通; 在這個情況下因而延緩其他應用程式, 這是可以接受的。網路服務商的第一要務應該是要適度投資以提升網路容量、 避免壅塞。然而,若有壅塞情形發生,此項例外之下的措施之設計,是為了要使終端使用者得以持續近用最大量的資訊、散佈資訊以及使用應用程式或服務。 這些例外措施應盡快中止。

    The second exception is aimed at blocking traffic that affects the safety or integrity of the network or of the end-user’s terminal device. This can, for example, be traffic from computers that are part of a botnet and which is used for a distributed denial of service attack. A measure must be proportionate and therefore must be restricted to only the traffic that affects security or integrity, and should be used no longer than necessary.

    The third exception is designed to make it possible to block unsolicited commercial communications such as spam.


     Finally, an exception allows for the situation where providers are required by statute to hinder or slow down certain traffic, or are required to do so under a court order.

    In addition, providers of Internet access services are not allowed to make the price of Internet access services dependent on the services and applications which are offered or used by customers.


    “As much as anything else, the economic success of the Internet comes from its architecture.” 

    - Lawrence Lessig, Harvard Law School Professor 23


    -- 勞倫斯 雷席格,哈佛法學院教授

    Ten points to safeguard Net Neutrality


    Pages 22

    1. The Internet must be kept neutral and open.
    1. Accessibility between all endpoints connected to the Internet without any form of restriction must continue to be upheld.
    1. All forms of discriminatory traffic management, such as blocking or throttling should be prohibited, unless as part of objectively necessary traffic management measures.
    1. Traffic management should only be allowed as a narrowly targeted deviation from the rule. It must be either necessary, proportionate and legally required, or required to address a transient network management problem which cannot be dealt with otherwise.
    1. Legal clarity must be established to determine what types of traffic management are legitimate under which circumstances.
    1. Access providers have to indicate in their contracts and advertisements a guaranteed minimum bandwidth, maximum latency and quality measures for the connection (so that customers can determine whether a particular connection can e.g. be used with Skype). Access providers have to provide tools to verify those standards. These standards must be determined with a statistical method that has to be published.
    1. We need to establish a clear set of obligations for access providers regarding the neutrality and best effort of the Internet broadband services on the one hand, and for specialised services that are not transported via the Internet on the other.
    1. By default, only header information should be used for traffic management. The use of deep packet inspection (DPI) should be reviewed by national Data Protection Authorities (DPAs) to assess compliance with the EU’s data protection and fundamental rights framework.
    1. End-users should be able to report violations of the points above to an authority defined by the government. This authority must have the necessary resources to enforce the above conditions.
    1. EU-wide legislation on Net Neutrality should provide for financial sanctions with a sufficient dissuasive effect.

    Glossary (0/2)

    Page 23

    盡力而為 Best effort 相對於電信領域裡保證服務品質的點對點語音電路,網際網路是以『盡力而為』基礎在運作著。這是因為數據流量往往是短促而突發的,為這種流量嘗試預留資源的開銷往往是非常多餘的。而且, 組成網際網路的(各廠商、各單位)子網路太多了,不太可能透過兩兩之間的直接合約關係來實現通用的服務品質。另請參閱互連。

    DOCSIS DOCSIS 是一種國際電信標準,允許附加於現存有線電視系統之上的高速數據傳輸。

    End-to-end principle 點對點原則 點對點原則是網際網路核心架構的一部分。這一原則主張網際網路通信應由終端來控制,而不是中介者。『傳輸管道』不應依據寄件人、收件人或在網路傳輸數據內容的類型不同而有所歧視。

    過濾 Filtering 據預先定義的準則,在通過網路數據中,阻擋特定封包的行為。可以作為實現安全防火牆的一種技術,也能進行通信審查。

    網際網路協定 IP 網際網路協定是一種通信標準,允許電腦與電腦之間彼此傳送數據封包。網際網路協定是網際網路的基本通信技術。

    IP 位址 IP 位址是以數字表示的地址,分配給每一個連接到網際網路的裝置(見我們的《網際網路如何工作?》小冊)。隨著家庭或企業路由器經常對所有連接到它的人顯示單一 IP 位址,所以根據 IP 位址所找到的, 可能是一群人,而不是特定的單一個人。

    Best effort The Internet operates on a “best effort” basis in contrast to the telecoms world’s end-to-end voice circuit with a guaranteed Quality of Service.

    This is because data traffic is often short and bursty and the overhead involved in trying to reserve resources in advance for such traffic would often be wildly excessive. In addition, there are simply too many networks involved in the Internet to allow all the direct contractual relationships that would be needed for generalised QoS. See also peering.

    DOCSIS DOCSIS is an international telecommunications standard that permits the addition of high-speed data transfer to an existing cable TV system.

    End-to-end principle The end-to-end principle is part of the Internet’s core architecture. This principle asserts that Internet communications should be controlled at its endpoints rather than by intermediaries. The “transmission pipe” does not discriminate against the sender, recipient or content of the data transmitted over the network.

    Filtering The act of blocking specific packets of data when they travel through networks based on pre-defined criteria. It can be used as a technique to implement security firewalls but also to censor communications.

    IP (Internet Protocol) IP is a communications standard that allows computers to send data packets to one another. IP is the basic communication technology of the Internet.

    IP address An IP address is a numerical address that is assigned to every device connected to the Internet (check our booklet “How the Internet Works”). As household or business routers will often display just one IP address for all of the people connected to it, the IP address can identify a group of people rather than just one individual.

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    網際網路接取提供者 Internet access provider 接取提供者是一個提供網際網路接取服務的公司,本身營運固定/行動基礎建設或提供基礎建設之接取。

    網際網路服務提供者 ISP (Internet Service Provider) ISP 是提供接取網際網路及相關服務公司或機構的總稱。有不同類型的網際網路服務提供者,例如接取、主機代管,虛擬和傳輸提供者。

    互連 Peering 許多網際網路上的同級網路彼此間交換流量是不用付費的。這是因應一個複雜環境的複雜反應。對任何組織來說,會計、請款,甚至最初的談判都會產生費用。簡單地說,你的接取提供者的網路是由它的用戶來支付。接下來它可能會購買大量的傳輸以存取網際網路的其他部分。 又或者它可以單純地與同級網路交換流量 -- 這就會形成各方的雙贏。付錢給同級網路,他們同時也得把錢付回來,這樣是不合邏輯的,除此之外,你們還需要負擔這樣的安排所產生的所有開銷費用。

    點對點 (P2P) 終端使用者(「點」)透過網際網路彼此直接連結的一種分散式系統。

    節流 Throttling 節流是指網際網路接取提供者故意讓(某些特定的)服務、應用或內容變慢。

    傳輸控制協定 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) TCP 是負責驗證數據正確傳輸與追蹤數據封包的協定。 TCP 有助於檢測錯誤並觸發重傳,直到數據封包被準確、完整地接收。

    TCP/IP 架構 TCP 和 IP 是最常見也是最古老的網際網路通信標準。由於網際網路大部分的數據傳輸是由 IP 之上的 TCP 所產生,名詞 TCP / IP 已經用來代表使用在網際網路上的一套完整協定。這些協定定義了電腦彼此間溝通必須依照順序,以及將數據傳送到正確目的地的規則。

    流量管理 Traffic management 網際網路服務提供者一直以來都以一些應用機制來控制流量以保持網路的安全或避免擁塞。除了 TCP / IP 現有的(總量)擁塞控制之外, 如果網際網路服務提供者進行附加的做法, 進一步檢查並區分(各種服務類型的個別)流量,通常被稱為「流量管理」。

    網路電話 VoIP (Voice over IP) 一組數據通信協定和技術,使語音能透過網際網路或基於 IP 的其他(非傳統電信)網路來傳送。

    Internet access provider An access provider is a company that offers access to the Internet, that operate fixed/mobile infrastructure or provide access to infrastructure.

    ISP (Internet Service Provider) ISP is the general term for companies or organisations that provide access to the Internet and related services.

    There are different types of ISPs, such as access, hosting, virtual and transit providers.

    Peering Many networks on the Internet swap traffic with their peers without payment. This is a sophisticated response to a complex environment. Accounting and billing and even negotiating the contracts in the first place involve costs for any organisation. At its simplest, your access provider’s network is paid for by its subscribers. It may then buy bulk transit to access the rest of the Internet. But if it can then simply swap traffic with its peers then this can be win-win for all concerned. It would be illogical to pay your peer when they will just have to pay you back - and in addition you would both need to assume the costs of all the overheads of such an arrangement.

    Peer to peer (P2P) A decentralised system where the end-users (“peers”) are connected directly with each other via the Internet.

    Throttling Throttling means the intentional slowing down of services, applications or content by an Internet access provider.

    Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) TCP is the protocol responsible for

    verifying the correct delivery of data and keeping track of data packets. TCP

    helps to detect errors and to trigger retransmission until the packets are

    correctly and completely received.

    TCP/IP architecture TCP and IP are the most common as well as the oldest standards for Internet communication. As most transmissions of data across the Internet take place using TCP on top of IP, the name TCP/IP has come to represent the complete suite of protocols used on the Internet. These protocols define the rules that computers must follow in order to communicate with each other and send data to the right destination.

    Traffic management ISPs have always engaged applied mechanisms to control traffic flows to preserve the security of the network or to avoid congestion. If ISPs engage in supplementary practices (in addition to the existing congestion control by TCP/IP) to inspect and to differentiate traffic, this is often referred to as “traffic management”.

    VoIP (Voice over IP) A set of data communications protocols and technologies to enable voice to be sent over the Internet or over separate, IP-based networks.


    01 http://www.commerce.senate.gov/pdf/cerf-020706.pdf

    02 EDRi booklet: How the Internet works http://www.edri.org/files/2012EDRiPapers/how_the_


    03 http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_SPEECH-08-473_en.htm

    04 Open Rights Group: http://www.openrightsgroup.org/blog/2012/peace-advocates-blocked-as-porn

    05 BBC: Virgin defends file-sharing campaign http://news.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/hi/technology/

    newsid_7486000/7486836.stm and Virgin Media and Cview to rifle through your packets: http://


    06 Open Net Initiative, West Censoring East https://opennet.net/west-censoring-east-the-usewestern-


    07 Wired, The Kremlin’s New Internet Surveillance Plan, 1 November 2012: http://www.wired.com/


    08 Thomas Grob, Deutsche Telekom, at the Netz-für-alle-Konferenz: https://www.youtube.com/


    09 BEREC report on traffic management, 2012: “When blocking/throttling is implemented in the

    network, it is typically done through deep packet inspection (DPI)” https://ec.europa.eu/digitalagenda/


    10 European Parliament resolution, 26/10/2012 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?


    11 PLUM study 2011 http://skypeblogs.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/plum_october2011_the_open


    12 Joint Statement of the EU Delegation to the 7th International Governance Forum (IGF) in Baku


    13 Glasnost data visualised in a Net Neutrality map http://netneutralitymap.org/

    14 Respect my net: http://respectmynet.eu/list/

    15 Directive 2002/19/19 (Access Directive):


    16 See BEREC study May 2012 http://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/sites/digital-agenda/files/


    17 EDPS Opinion on Net Neutrality, traffic management and the protection of privacy https://



    18 EU Parliament resolution on completing the Digital Single Market, 26 October 2012: http://www.


    19 See WCIT resources: http://wcitleaks.org/resources/

    20 ENDitorial: The ETNO’s WCIT Proposals are not as bad as some say http://www.edri.org/edrigram/


    21 Web wereld: KPN luistert abonnees af met Deep Packet Inspection http://webwereld.nl/


    22 The translated provisions can be found on the website of Bits of Freedom:


    23 http://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2010/8/9/who-gets-priority-on-the-web/a-deregulationdebacle-
