馬尼拉原則(Manila Principles)繁體中文版



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繁體中文:推動網路中立性立法貢獻者 CC BY 4.0



All communication over the Internet is facilitated by intermediaries such as Internet access providers, social networks, and search engines. The policies governing the legal liability of intermediaries for the content of these communications have an impact on users’ rights, including freedom of expression, freedom of association and the right to privacy.

With the aim of protecting freedom of expression and creating an enabling environment for innovation, which balances the needs of governments and other stakeholders, civil society groups from around the world have come together to propose this framework of baseline safeguards and best practices. These are based on international human rights instruments and other international legal frameworks.

Uninformed intermediary liability policies, blunt and heavy-handed regulatory measures, failing to meet the principles of necessity and proportionality, and a lack of consistency across these policies has resulted in censorship and other human rights abuses by governments and private parties, limiting individuals’ rights to free expression and creating an environment of uncertainty that also impedes innovation online.

The framework presented here should be considered by policymakers and intermediaries when developing, adopting, and reviewing legislation, policies and practices that govern the liability of intermediaries for third-party content. Our objective is to encourage the development of interoperable and harmonized liability regimes that can promote innovation while respecting users’ rights in line with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.






1 Intermediaries should be shielded from liability for third-party content

  1. Any rules governing intermediary liability must be provided by laws, which must be precise, clear, and accessible.
  2. Intermediaries should be immune from liability for third-party content in circumstances where they have not been involved in modifying that content.
  3. Intermediaries must not be held liable for failing to restrict lawful content.
  4. Intermediaries must never be made strictly liable for hosting unlawful third-party content, nor should they ever be required to monitor content proactively as part of an intermediary liability regime.

1 中間人應免於對第三方內容承擔責任

  1. 任何管理中間人責任的規定必須由法律制定,且務必做到準確、清晰和易懂。
  2. 中間人沒有參與修改內容的情況下,中間人應該免於對第三方內容承擔責任。
  3. 中間人不得因沒有限制合法內容而被追究責任。
  4. 中間人不得因託管違法的第三方內容被追究無過失責任,也不得在中間人責任制度中要求中間人對內容主動進行監控。

2 Content must not be required to be restricted without an order by a judicial authority

  1. Intermediaries must not be required to restrict content unless an order has been issued by an independent and impartial judicial authority that has determined that the material at issue is unlawful.
  2. Orders for the restriction of content must:
    1. Provide a determination that the content is unlawful in the jurisdiction.
    2. Indicate the Internet identifier and description of the unlawful content.
    3. Provide evidence sufficient to document the legal basis of the order.
    4. Where applicable, indicate the time period for which the content should be restricted.
  3. Any liability imposed on an intermediary must be proportionate and directly correlated to the intermediary’s wrongful behavior in failing to appropriately comply with the content restriction order.
  4. Intermediaries must not be liable for non-compliance with any order that does not comply with this principle.

2 沒有司法機關命令,不得要求對內容進行限制

  1. 除非一個獨立且公正的司法機關發布命令認定爭議內容為非法,否則不得要求中間人對內容進行限制。
  2. 對內容進行限制的命令必須
    1. 認定該內容在其管轄區域內屬於非法。
    2. 指出網際網路識別符並對描述非法內容。
    3. 提供充分的證據證明命令的法律基礎。
    4. 在適用情況下,指出限制內容的時段。
  3. 如果中間人沒有適當地遵守內容限制的命令,中間人所須承擔的一切責任必須與該不當行為合乎比例並直接相關。
  4. 如果內容限制的命令不符合此項原則,中間人不得被要求對沒有遵守該命令負責。

3 Requests for restrictions of content must be clear, be unambiguous, and follow due process

3 內容限制請求必須清晰、明確,且依照正當程序

4 Laws and content restriction orders and practices must comply with the tests of necessity and proportionality

Laws, orders and practices restricting content must be necessary and proportionate in a democratic society:

  1. Any restriction of content should be limited to the specific content at issue.
  2. When restricting content, the least restrictive technical means must be adopted.
  3. If content is restricted because it is unlawful in a particular geographical region, and if the intermediary offers a geographically variegated service, then the geographical scope of the content restriction must be so limited.
  4. If content is restricted owing to its unlawfulness for a limited duration, the restriction must not last beyond this duration, and the restriction order must be reviewed periodically to ensure it remains valid.

4 法律、內容限制命令,和實務做法必須通過必要性和比例原則的檢驗


  1. 所有內容限制必須局限於特定之爭議內容。
  2. 在對內容進行限制時,必須採用限制性最低的技術手段。
  3. 如果內容是因為在特定地理區域屬於違法而被限制,而中間人針提供因地域而異的服務,那麼內容限制應局限於該地理範圍內。
  4. 如果內容是因為在一定期間內屬於非法而被限制,那麼限制不能持續超過該期間,並應該定期檢視限制命令以確保其仍然有效。

5 Laws and content restriction policies and practices must respect due process

  1. Before any content is restricted on the basis of an order or a request, the intermediary and the user content provider must be provided an effective right to be heard except in exceptional circumstances, in which case a post facto review of the order and its implementation must take place as soon as practicable.
  2. Any law regulating intermediaries must provide both user content providers and intermediaries the right of appeal against content restriction orders.
  3. Intermediaries should provide user content providers with mechanisms to review decisions to restrict content in violation of the intermediary’s content restriction policies.
  4. In case a user content provider wins an appeal under (b) or review under (c) against the restriction of content, intermediaries should reinstate the content.
  5. An intermediary should not disclose personally identifiable information about a user without an order by a judicial authority.  An intermediary liability regime must not require an intermediary to disclose any personally identifiable user information without an order by a judicial authority.
  6. When drafting and enforcing their content restriction policies, intermediaries should respect human rights.  Likewise, governments have an obligation to ensure that intermediaries’ content restriction policies respect human rights.

5 法律、內容限制政策,和實務做法必須遵循正當程序

  1. 除有特殊情況,否則基於命令或請求而對任何內容進行限制之前,中間人和使用者內容提供者必須被賦予有效的陳述權。在特殊情況下,必須盡快對該命令及其執行進行事後審查。
  2. 任何規範中間人的法律必須賦予使用者內容提供者和中間人對內容限制命令的上訴權。
  3. 使用者內容提供者違反中間人的內容限制政策,中間人應對其提供複查內容限制決定的機制。
  4. 如果使用者內容提供者在根據(b)上訴成功或者根據(c)的複查否決內容限制,中間人應恢復內容。
  5. 中間人不應於沒有司法機關命令時揭露關於使用者的個人識別資訊。中間人責任制度不得要求中間人在沒有司法機關命令時揭露任何個人識別之使用者資訊。
  6. 中間人草擬和執行其內容限制政策時應該尊重人權。同樣地,政府也有義務確保中間人的內容限制政策尊重人權。
  7. 這邊 @ming-hsuan 的一個建議也被洗掉,我憑記憶加上「否則」,其他我先不動好了,如確定的話請直接改。
  8. 已改~~覺得原先a讀起來意思上可能有歧異所以小修正一下
  9. 為免我這邊又有什麼程式衝突狀況,明天再來看哪些地方有編輯,再放到 Github。


6 Transparency and accountability must be built into laws and content restriction policies and practices. 

  1. Governments must publish all legislation, policy, decisions and other forms of regulation relevant to intermediary liability online in a timely fashion and in accessible formats. 
  2. Governments must not use extra-judicial measures to restrict content. This includes collateral pressures to force changes in terms of service, to promote or enforce so-called “voluntary” practices and to secure agreements in restraint of trade or in restraint of public dissemination of content. 
  3. Intermediaries should publish their content restriction policies online, in clear language and accessible formats, and keep them updated as they evolve, and notify users of changes when applicable. 
  4. Governments must publish transparency reports that provide specific information about all content orders and requests issued by them to intermediaries. 
  5. Intermediaries should publish transparency reports that provide specific information about all content restrictions taken by the intermediary, including actions taken on government requests, court orders, private complainant requests, and enforcement of content restriction policies. 
  6. Where content has been restricted on a product or service of the intermediary that allows it to display a notice when an attempt to access that content is made, the intermediary must display a clear notice that explains what content has been restricted and the reason for doing so.                                                         
  7. Governments, intermediaries and civil society should work together to develop and maintain independent, transparent, and impartial oversight mechanisms to ensure the accountability of the content restriction policies and practices.                                                      
  8. Intermediary liability frameworks and legislation should require regular, systematic review of rules and guidelines to ensure that they are up to date, effective, and not overly burdensome. Such periodic review should incorporate mechanisms for collection of evidence about their implementation and impact, and also make provision for an independent review of their costs,  demonstrable benefits and impact on human rights.                                                                   


6 透明度和問責機制必須建立在法律、內容限制政策和實務做法中



關於中間人責任的一般性問題 General questions about intermediary liability

1. Why is intermediary liability important?

Given the amount of potentially unlawful or harmful content that is transmitted through their services and their technical capabilities to control access to that content, internet intermediaries are under increasing pressure from governments and interest groups to act as ‘gatekeepers’ of the Internet. This is usually done through the adoption of laws that hold intermediaries financially or criminally responsible if the intermediary fails to filter, block or remove content which is deemed illegal. This often results in private companies censoring content on behalf of the state without appropriate safeguards or accountability mechanisms.

1. 中間人責任為什麼重要?


2. What are the different models of intermediary liability?

There are several models of liability around the world. These can be broadly categorized into three models:

Expansive protections from liability – Intermediaries are not responsible for content produced by others so long as they have not intervened in that content. The intermediary is only required to restrict content when ordered to do so by a court or other independent adjudicatory body. For example, this is the model in the United States (except for alleged copyright infringements) and in Chile.

Conditional immunity from liability – Intermediaries are required to comply with predefined procedures to be granted immunity from liability of content on their platforms and networks. Two distinct systems of the conditional immunity or safe harbor model currently in practice include:

Notice and Takedown - The intermediary restricts content on receipt of a notice from a third party as per legal procedures

Notice and Notice - The intermediary passes on a third party notice to the user who uploaded the content.

For example in Singapore, Ghana, Uganda, South Africa and the EU, intermediaries are effectively immune from liability if they comply with notice and takedown procedures. Canada is an example of a conditional immunity model of liability that follows a notice and notice procedure.

Primary liability – Intermediaries can be held liable for all content on their platforms and networks and consequently, may face both criminal and civil sanctions. This often leads to intermediaries monitoring, identifying, and pro-actively removing content in order to avoid sanctions. For example, in Thailand intermediaries are generally held primarily liable for content and this leads them to actively monitor the content on their networks.

 2. 中間人責任有哪些不同的模式?









3. What model of intermediary liability do the Manila Principles support?

The Manila Principles support expansive protections from liability for intermediaries, derived from the notion that intermediaries should not be held liable for content produced by others and may only remove content when ordered to do so by a court. The fact that intermediaries have the technical means to prevent access to content does not qualify them as the best placed to evaluate the ‘illegality’ of the content in question. Such a determination should be primarily a matter for an independent judicial body, and not a private company.

However, the Manila Principles recognise that a notice-and-notice model may also be appropriate to deal with issues that do not involve allegations of serious criminality such as defamation or copyright claims. For this reason, the Manila Principles recommend a number of procedural safeguards that should be included as part of a safe harbour model with a notice-and-notice system in order to be compatible with human rights standards (see question 9).

While the Manila Principles reject notice-and-takedown procedures and the primary liability model, we stress that at the bare minimum, where such models and procedures exist, they must lay down procedural safeguards that must be respected in order to protect freedom of expression.

3. 《马尼拉原则》支持哪一种中介方责任模式?





4. Do the Manila Principles support the use of a graduated response or “three strikes” system for copyright infringements?

No. Although it is permissible under the Manila Principles to forward a notice to a user that their content has been reported as allegedly infringing the law, this would not require an intermediary to forward notices that a user has merely accessed allegedly infringing content through an intermediary. On a related point, the Manila Principles also specify that intermediaries should not be required to disclose personally identifiable user information without a judicial order.

4. 《马尼拉原则》是否支持对侵害知识产权行为实行分级回应或者“三振出局”的制度?




5. What should a content host do on receipt of a notice from a third party that asks for a user’s content to be removed?

The first thing the host should consider is the format of the removal request—is the notice an order from a court with jurisdiction over the host? If not, the host should consider doing nothing. If the law does not make the host liable for that content, either immediately or after receipt of such a notice (and the Manila Principles recommends that it shouldn’t), then the most the content host should do is to forward the notice to the user who uploaded the content. This allows users to act on alleged illegal content if they wish to, by either complying with the notice for removal or contesting it in the court. In some cases (particularly where large volumes of requests are made), it will be proper for the intermediary to charge for this on a cost recovery basis.

5. 内容托管方在收到第三方要求移除某用户内容的通知时应如何处理?


6. Do the Manila Principles also apply to search engines and domain providers?

Broadly, search engines and domain hosts are treated similarly to other intermediaries, in that, they should not restrict access to any content (which would include removing a search result or blocking a domain name) without a judicial order. An exception to the treatment of intermediaries who do not host content, is that they are not expected to pass on notices of alleged illegality (after all, they may not even know who the content provider is).

6. 《马尼拉原则》是否适用于搜索引擎和域名提供商? 



7. What if a third party requests content to be removed and that content is also against the host’s terms of service?

In that case, the restriction of the content is within the discretion of the host, and not strictly a response to the notice at all. But the host should avoid allowing its terms of service to be used as a back door for streamlined content removal by third parties. How can it avoid this? By adopting and incorporating the Manila Principles on transparency, accountability and procedural fairness. These include making sure that its policies are clearly expressed ahead of time, giving the user the chance to appeal the decision to restrict the content pursuant to those policies, and disclosing the restriction in its transparency reporting.

7. 如果第三方要求删除的内容恰好也违反了内容托管方的服务条款怎么办?



8. But what if the law requires the content to be removed on receipt of a notice from a third party (“notice and takedown”)—does that make the Manila Principles irrelevant?

No, though an intermediary has to comply with the law, they can limit the impact of the content restriction by following other aspects of the principles; as explained in the next answer.

8. 但是如果有法律要求在收到第三方通知后立即删除内容(“通知与移除”),那么《马尼拉原则》是否不再适用?


9. How should an intermediary minimize the impact of complying with an order to remove content on users rights?

For example, intermediaries should forward the notice to the user who uploaded the content and, in doing so, describe any available counter-notice or appeal mechanisms that the user can use to have the content reinstated. Intermediaries should also make sure that they have the technical means to reinstate the content, if such an appeal succeeds. And they should limit the restriction of the content, in terms of how much is restricted, over what geographical area, and for what time period, to the minimum necessary. If the service they provide allows them to display a notice in the place where the restricted content would otherwise be found, they should also do that.

9. 中介方应该如何将按照命令删除内容对用户权利的影响最小化?



10. But some content really does need to be taken offline without a court order—what do the Manila Principles recommend in such a situation?

Emergency circumstances do sometimes arise. In most of these cases, the intermediary may have discretion to act within their terms of service, as explained above. But there should still be no compulsion on an intermediary to act without a judicial order. The Manila Principles do, however, allow for such an order to be made without a judicial hearing in cases that are clearly and narrowly defined by law as exceptional circumstances (we do not attempt to itemize what these circumstances might be). Even in those cases, a hearing to review the order and the implementation of the order must subsequently be available.

10. 但是有的内容确实需要在没有法院命令的情况下被删除,《马尼拉原则》对这种情况有何建议?


11. Why don’t the Manila Principles place limits on the grounds on which intermediaries can limit content that they host under their terms of service?

In general, intermediaries who host content ought to be able to decide what they do and don’t want to host; this freedom has contributed to the development of the Internet into such a diverse and dynamic ecosystem.  For this reason we do not wish to compel intermediaries to accept user content for hosting, or seek to evaluate the reasons why they choose not to (just as the Principles do not evaluate the various substantive grounds on which content may be prohibited by law).  Instead, the Principles require that whatever terms of service intermediaries apply must be clear and transparent, and that a user must be able to appeal against their application.  Intermediaries are also obliged to respect human rights, and governments to ensure that they do so.  Finally, while the Manila Principles do not cover the substantive content of intermediaries’ terms of service, there are various other projects that do.

11. 为什么《马尼拉原则》不对中介方在按照服务条款限制其托管的内容时可以提出的依据作出约束?


Notice of Content Ristriction Generator

This form is to be used by Internet intermediaries (such as platforms and hosts) to construct a draft notice that can be sent to a user when a third party has requested that their content be restricted, whether or not any action has yet been taken in in response to that request. The aim is to provide information that is more useful and complete for the user than if the third party request were merely forwarded as-is.

Who made the content restriction request?

When did you receive the content restriction request?




What is or was the URL or location of the content the subject of the restriction request?

When did the user upload this content?









What time did the user upload this content?

The issue raised by the person sending the notice is that it is alleged to be 

copyright/trademark infringement

an invasion of privacy


hate speech



Does the request allege that the content is unlawful?



Does the request allege that the content is against your terms of service?



Copy and paste the text of the notice you received or paste a link to a PDF version.

Have you restricted the content already?

